Stacy Knoebel
Owner & Professional Organizer
I have always had an inherent love for all things organized and beautifully styled. From a young age I found refuge creating order in a world that was not always predictable. I carried that philosophy with me into adulthood as I found a passion for working with people to streamline their lives.
A former school counselor and executive assistant serving high demand clientele, I have enjoyed working with a multitude of families and busy professionals. Although my work in these fields often focused on finding solutions to a wide variety of needs and issues, I quickly learned that many pain points leading to stress and overwhelm often came down to one thing… DISORGANIZATION. I learned that people of all ages and backgrounds desired to live an organized life, but either lacked the time or knowledge to make it happen.
Untangled living was founded with the mission to help others cultivate the peaceful life they have always envisioned by implementing refined, yet functional organizing solutions in their homes. With our premium all-inclusive organizing services, we do all the work for you, skillfully organizing and styling your space so you can take back your happy home!
As a professional, wife, and mother of two active boys, I can personally understand and appreciate the blessings of living in a busy household with many moving parts. Life can be overwhelming and quickly send us into a hectic tailspin if we aren’t ready for it. Your busy life does not have to be chaotic- by allowing us to implement custom systems tailored to fit your needs, you can leave your stress at the door and focus your time on the things that matter most to you!